PUBG Tournament: PUBG is one of the most popular battle royale games globally. Ever since its launch back in 2018, the game has stayed on the top for a while and its player base has increased significantly. With more people trying their hands on the battle royale game, more are interested in playing in big tournaments. Playing in tournaments not only makes a player popular, but also rewards them with lucrative prizes. Some players have made careers playing the game and you can do the same, if you take the right steps.
If you are a good PUBG player and ready to step foot in a professional esports match or tournament, this simple guide will help you do just that. Let’s see how you can participate in a PUBG tournament.
How does one participate in a PUBG Tournament?
Remember that you need a team to participate in a tournament. You need to build your squad, if haven’t already. You need 3 more players, making a team of 4 players. Once your squad is ready, you can follow the steps below to participate in tournaments.
— It’s worth noting that you can’t simply participate in big tournaments. Just like a sport, PUBG is an esport where you need to show off your skills to be amongst the top players and play in big tournaments. Having said that, you will have to participate in local or regional PUBG matches in the initial stage.
— We all might have heard of top PUBG tournaments like the Global Word Championship, however, not everyone knows that top players in those tournaments may have been selected through regional games. So you need to participate in regional matches and show off your skills by acing the games. If you are amongst the top players in your region, you can go for bigger matches.
— Upon winning local and regional matches, you can look out for bigger tournaments. These tournaments can be national-level matches, however, you can have a chance in such games, only if you are great at the game.
— For such big tournaments, you need to keep an eye on the PUBG social handles as they keep on posting about new tournaments. Users will have to fill out forms and pay some registration fees to enter. If your application is selected, you might be tested and then included in the tournament.
— After you participate in national-level matches, participating in international-level tournaments might get easier as you’d have several sponsors and other people behind you to help you get to international matches.
The process of participating in PUBG tournaments can seem a bit scattered. But that’s how you end up playing in a tournament. So keep practising with your squad and look out for games around you to get into the bigger tournaments.