DuckDuckGo Joins the AI Revolution with New Chat Feature: Access ChatGPT, Meta AI, and More Anonymously

DuckDuckGo Joins the AI Revolution: The privacy-focused browser, DuckDuckGo, has introduced an exciting new AI chat feature. DuckDuckGo users can now access popular chatbot models such as ChatGPT 3.5, Llama 3, Claude 3, and Mixtral 8X7B anonymously. Initially available to selected users in the beta version, this feature is now rolling out to all web users. While the basic version is free, unlocking full benefits requires a subscription.

Supported AI Chatbot Models

DuckDuckGo announced via a blog post that the AI chat feature supports four major chatbot models:

  • ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo by OpenAI
  • Claude 3 Haiku by Anthropic
  • Llama 3 by Meta
  • Mixtral 8X7B by Mistral

Privacy Assurance

True to its reputation, DuckDuckGo maintains robust privacy standards with this new feature. The company guarantees that chat data will remain private and won’t be used to train AI models. Additionally, user IP addresses will remain concealed. DuckDuckGo has agreements with AI model providers to restrict data usage from user prompts, ensuring that data is not utilized to develop or improve AI models.

How to Use the AI Chat Feature in DuckDuckGo

Accessing DuckDuckGo’s new AI chat feature is simple and user-friendly. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Homepage Access: DuckDuckGo web users will see options for four AI models on their homepage. Select the model you want to interact with.
  2. Chat Window Prompts: The chat window includes preset prompts such as “Get computer help,” “Understand a topic,” or “Write an email.”
  3. Switching AI Models: Users can switch between AI models by clicking on the model name in the left pane.
  4. Ending Conversations: To end a chat, click the fire button before the text box to close the chat window.

Future Enhancements

DuckDuckGo is not stopping with the current release. The company plans to add more chat models and browser entry points in the future. Reports also indicate that a paid subscription plan for AI Chat is in development.

For the latest updates on DuckDuckGo’s AI chat feature and other privacy-focused innovations, stay tuned to our blog. Enjoy the benefits of advanced AI chatbots while keeping your online interactions private and secure.