Android 15 will implement a Quarantine Mode in order to safeguard users from potentially harmful app

Google I/O 2024 is just around the corner and users can expect Android 15 version to be unveiled at around that time. Android 15 is already in its beta testing phase which has raised the hopes of many to witness it in all its glory at the event. Google claims that Android malware was a huge problem that it worked on and fixed. The issue is fixed in most of the cases but it might not be safe to say that it has been fixed completely yet.

Android 15 can possibly be a step in the right direction due to which Android users will enjoy the benefit of quarantining apps that their phone can perceive to be dangerous.

The details of this particular feature have beenĀ spotted in the code strings of the latest Android 15 beta version, where you can spot the Quarantine Apps permission toggle. It is expected to be part of the Apps settings on Android 15.

Existing Protective Barrier & Quarantine

Google presently too has a feature that blocks appsĀ from throwing notifications and it is possible that the said quarantine could be another version or an upgrade of this feature to stop you from using the alleged dangerous apps on the phone.

We’re still unsure of Google’s method for discerning app nature, raising the possibility of innocent apps being mistakenly flagged.

That said, Google should provide users with notifications about potentially harmful apps and allow them to remove them from the quarantine list in settings, a feature seemingly integrated into this capability.

While progress on quarantine apps is evident, it remains uncertain if Android 15 will officially include this feature. We’ll have more clarity in the upcoming weeks during the major developer preview of Android 15, anticipated to coincide with the launch of new Pixel phones later this year.